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uh haiii


tsumihq 💀 30 days ago

i finished the entirety of south park. i can feel the damage caused to my brain

tsumihq 😇 87 days ago

my sites index page has been "under maintenance" for over 6 months. truth is I've been playing Minecraft nonstop sorry guys lol

tsumihq 💔 98 days ago

Well I'm not a crook

tsumihq 🥱 136 days ago

I won 3rd in a chess tournament on the 9th. It was fun but I could've done so much better.

tsumihq ❤️ 188 days ago

I LOVE KAOMOJI ( = ⩊ = )

tsumihq 💤 348 days ago

Working on the site again!

tsumihq 🥹 361 days ago

I finally beat punching bag Bob and Kreehahm is no longer starving

tsumihq 😇 382 days ago

I decided to put my neopet through the mental trauma of battling the dummy and now she's dying of starvation

tsumihq 💀 394 days ago

I broke my switch. Rip Punchy

tsumihq 😭 427 days ago

i NEED totk but i MUST finish botw........

tsumihq 🌧️ 476 days ago

i dont like working in stylesheets for some reason, so my html is always so crowded x(