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Hey I'm Tristie and this is where I post small updates :)


tris 🌙 33 days ago

I should make a markdown blog or something.

tris 🌙 83 days ago

May the fourth be with you!

tris 🌙 113 days ago

Posting this on the arc browser (for windows) and it's very interesting

tris 🌙 122 days ago

BlueSky has a very high username length limit if you use subdomains :)

tris 🌙 136 days ago

Good things will come for those who wait, but not for those who wait too late.

tris 🌙 140 days ago

Nights seem brighter nowadays

tris 🌙 150 days ago

CSS transitions are so fun wheeee

tris 🌙 160 days ago

Everything can change at the speed of the internet

tris 🌙 179 days ago

Absolutely can't wait for Bun for Windows coming out soon !!

tris 🌙 194 days ago

My sleep schedule is more random than lava lamps used for encryption

tris 🌙 201 days ago

Got a BlueSky account finally after being on the waitlist for months yay

tris 🌙 240 days ago

Wowza sleep is actually important :0

tris 🌙 322 days ago

Trying out bunjs! (

tris 🌙 328 days ago

Hey I'm Tris and this site looks really interesting, so that's what I'm doing now