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tripixel 💀 218 days ago

doing some more covers (i currently have 4 modules open please help)

tripixel 🙂 222 days ago

getting positive comments on my neocities sure is nice :)

tripixel 😎 241 days ago

the background scrolls on my website now

tripixel 🙂 243 days ago

Christmas! Just a week away. Woohoo, I am so happy about this information.

tripixel 🥳 254 days ago

finally uploaded a new module after god knows how long

tripixel 🎮 276 days ago

been playing a shit load of open fortress recently

tripixel 🔥 298 days ago

website's got a new halloween theme :o

tripixel 💀 305 days ago

boy howdy do i love having to use Construct 3 in college

tripixel 🤒 314 days ago

been feeling awful for a couple days

tripixel 🔥 321 days ago

really really warm in the south west

tripixel 🤖 333 days ago

just got a protonmail email

tripixel 🔥 339 days ago

switched to firefox

tripixel 🎨 347 days ago

modelling plok atm, and it's going well and looking good

tripixel ✨ 359 days ago

currently finishing off my mkds course "Moonside Void" based off of that part in earthbound

tripixel 🙂 371 days ago

making a mario kart ds course rn, hopefully it'll be included with ctgp nitro

tripixel 😡 376 days ago

making a hitsound pack for tf2 and they just don't work

tripixel 🥳 378 days ago

after a ton of work, i'm nearly finished. finally

tripixel 💻 380 days ago

typing and typing and typing, and a lot more typing to do

tripixel 😴 383 days ago

feeling dead tired atm, need more sleep but work i must.

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