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Hi I'm Alastar Gabriel (trashbees/artificialAngel). I'm basically like what if a guy was on the internet. I used to be a software developer, but now I make weird music and art and such.


trashbees 🥹 37 days ago

i need to eat ihop or ill diee.... :(

trashbees 👽 42 days ago

It took me 69 days (nice), but I finally fixed the wrong link to archive on posts on my site

trashbees 💻 112 days ago

Hmmm notice my site's link to archives in a single post goes to /blog instead of /archive hmmm hmmmmmmm i should fix that someday hmmmm,,,,,

trashbees 🙂 127 days ago

I worked on web site then played noita until i explode :)

trashbees 🙂 128 days ago

Went to denny's for the first time in 15 or so years. it was not very good <3 i had fun regardless