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toastgirl ☀️ 1 day ago

we have finally recovered from covid!!!

toastgirl 🙂 2 days ago

👑 <-- this is for my bf my supportive king (✨👑✨ this one is for me bc im princess)

toastgirl 💤 3 days ago

haven't stepped outside in literal days core

toastgirl 😎 4 days ago

my only job rn is to chill until october

toastgirl ✈️ 5 days ago

♪ me and my bf (got covid) ♪

toastgirl ☀️ 7 days ago

dedicated to enjoying my summer before it gets crazy!!!!

toastgirl 🥗 8 days ago

why is it that the best salads always give you the worst smelling farts

toastgirl 🍞 9 days ago

alone time having none might be the sweetest thing on earth

toastgirl 😎 10 days ago

can't wait to go home and play my mobile game LMAO

toastgirl ✨ 16 days ago

my life is full of synchronicities it's so magical!!!

toastgirl 🧐 18 days ago

learning never ends

toastgirl 🌱 20 days ago

lying down after a sweaty hike

toastgirl 🥗 29 days ago

salad at 10pm just hits different

toastgirl 💀 31 days ago

i wish katamari didn't give me debilitating motion sickness :(

toastgirl 🥺 32 days ago

manifesting the cat from last night to visit me again pleaaseeeee

toastgirl ✏️ 33 days ago

7 minute 30 second soft boiled egg supremacy

toastgirl 😛 34 days ago

life is about demolishing a whole jar of pickles in one sitting bc PICKLES!!!!!

toastgirl 🙂 34 days ago

so determined not to lose my package that i may also be losing my day staying home LOL

toastgirl ✨ 39 days ago

everything always works out!!!! (^_-)-☆ ( ・ิω・ิ)(•ө•)♡

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