π = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197
- Homepage
- https://000000420.xyz
- thp@000000420.xyz
- About
- Τρισμέγιστος / INTJ / Gemini || 私、気になります!
Walking takes up a significant amount of time when you intend to travel/commute.
Time to crunch, to go on a hell march https://youtu.be/KOca3AUVR9U https://youtu.be/85VQEzwzAvE
Reverting back to one big markdown file for my journal in Obsidian
Working through my inboxes
Time to sleep 💤 but listening to "Living with Determination" https://youtu.be/7DDFRwRINP4
Just discovered https://streams.place/thp
“Hang on! Fear is only temporary!” —Fuuka Yamagishi (Persona 3)
I'm actually kind of understanding Analytical Chemistry now... after a long while of being confused in college.
I think I just found out why I wake up in the morning. Why I pursued the activities I did. It's because 私、気になります!
🔥 Bling Bang Bang Born on THE FIRST TAKE channel just dropped!
Going strong with a 46-day streak in Anki
fixed some small calculation bugs in my dashboard code
Jogged for a little bit and it feels like a nice change after spending the whole day inside of my room. Read: "Touched Grass (Pavement)".
What if I go on with the day without music? Will that help quell my tendency to procrastinate? I always end up searching for BGM on YouTube.
How long can one status be? Is there a character limit? Do line breaks get rendered? The form only accepts a message that is 140 characters.
Hi World! I just got activated.