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If I can make it pink, I will.


thepasteldyke 💀 483 days ago

there is 100% something living in my walls. I can hear them walking around right behind my head. rats, probably. Gotta love old houses.

thepasteldyke 🙂 483 days ago

why tf does windows' old catalog of updates list 32 as x86? i had to look it up to figure out that's what 86 is. never seen that before ngl

thepasteldyke 🐱 484 days ago

when you have a cat in your lap long enough that you kinda forget and suddenly there's a paw grabbing your boob

thepasteldyke 🙂 484 days ago

gmaps straightup lying like "your review has been viewed X times" when i've never in my life left a review with google

thepasteldyke ☀️ 486 days ago

Someone in the neighbourhood has decorated the inside of their chicken coop with fairy lights. Cute.

thepasteldyke 🧐 487 days ago

Photobucket has been telling me they're gonna delete my account for inactivity for years now. Bud, do it already, its been like 5 years atp

thepasteldyke 🙂 488 days ago

i think i'm gonna make a png-tuber. when i try to run vtuber stuff alongside games it makes my computer so gd slow.

thepasteldyke 🔥 488 days ago

Kinda want a perfume that smells like fir sap

thepasteldyke ✨ 490 days ago

entertaining myself(procrastinating) by moving my head back and forth looking at the creased outside world you get through handblown windows

thepasteldyke 🙂 491 days ago

Kalma is washing me very aggressively today. By which I mean A Lot of biting my chin between licks.

thepasteldyke 😶 492 days ago

I currently have a bluetooth speaker in the window and uh... the bass is making the crack in the glass actually MAKE NOISE

thepasteldyke ❤️ 493 days ago

the shoemaker I go to is so good, you have to look really close to see the spots he fixed on the shoes I thrifted for my Aion cosplay.

thepasteldyke 🧋 495 days ago

a woman I met yesterday: Have we met before? no, but you've met my twin brother. lol we were more identical before he grew a beard tho

thepasteldyke 🙃 496 days ago

I've encountered the most absurd wait time for a free download when it's the first DL... 9 hours. NINE HOURS.

thepasteldyke 🙃 496 days ago

just realised now that my meds alarm went off that I've only drunk half a liter of water today. tomorrow's gonna be headache city central...

thepasteldyke 🐱 496 days ago

why does my cat Njord always go big-time BONKERS after she eats or poops? fully babonk-bonkers.

thepasteldyke ❄️ 497 days ago

I've made a grave mistake. I should've brought a blanket with me while waiting for my brother in the car. I'm wearing a mini skirt. 🥶

thepasteldyke 💔 506 days ago

I've now picked the last of my carrots from my vegetable garden. Fall really is here.

thepasteldyke ❄️ 514 days ago

Feeling very nostalgic about my emo days cus I have to wear my old arm warmers due to cold hands right now

thepasteldyke 😎 517 days ago

When I mow the grass on the farm and see the tracks from the wild boars... they're really going hog wild over those acorns.

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