there is 100% something living in my walls. I can hear them walking around right behind my head. rats, probably. Gotta love old houses.

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If I can make it pink, I will.
why tf does windows' old catalog of updates list 32 as x86? i had to look it up to figure out that's what 86 is. never seen that before ngl
when you have a cat in your lap long enough that you kinda forget and suddenly there's a paw grabbing your boob
gmaps straightup lying like "your review has been viewed X times" when i've never in my life left a review with google
Someone in the neighbourhood has decorated the inside of their chicken coop with fairy lights. Cute.
Photobucket has been telling me they're gonna delete my account for inactivity for years now. Bud, do it already, its been like 5 years atp
i think i'm gonna make a png-tuber. when i try to run vtuber stuff alongside games it makes my computer so gd slow.
Kinda want a perfume that smells like fir sap
entertaining myself(procrastinating) by moving my head back and forth looking at the creased outside world you get through handblown windows
Kalma is washing me very aggressively today. By which I mean A Lot of biting my chin between licks.
I currently have a bluetooth speaker in the window and uh... the bass is making the crack in the glass actually MAKE NOISE
the shoemaker I go to is so good, you have to look really close to see the spots he fixed on the shoes I thrifted for my Aion cosplay.
a woman I met yesterday: Have we met before? no, but you've met my twin brother. lol we were more identical before he grew a beard tho
I've encountered the most absurd wait time for a free download when it's the first DL... 9 hours. NINE HOURS.
just realised now that my meds alarm went off that I've only drunk half a liter of water today. tomorrow's gonna be headache city central...
why does my cat Njord always go big-time BONKERS after she eats or poops? fully babonk-bonkers.
I've made a grave mistake. I should've brought a blanket with me while waiting for my brother in the car. I'm wearing a mini skirt. 🥶
I've now picked the last of my carrots from my vegetable garden. Fall really is here.
Feeling very nostalgic about my emo days cus I have to wear my old arm warmers due to cold hands right now
When I mow the grass on the farm and see the tracks from the wild boars... they're really going hog wild over those acorns.