I wanna play the Peach game so bad but I decided I can't til I'm done with my con prep so I have. Actually gotten some shit done.

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If I can make it pink, I will.
apparently 'Scandicore' is a thing? As a Scandinavian, does that make anything I wear aesthetic?
onedrive mitt hatobjekt. hatar. trodde jag blitt av med skiten men icke. fy fan.
so is onedrive gonna do the same as Photobucket& spam me with emails every day now that Im not paying for it anmore cus it sureseems like it
sleepy bitch mode activated, don't know how to disengage.
Njord is very torn rn - she's pissed at me for trimming her back claws, but she's happy she got some nice ham and wants me to give her more.
i have been informed that Runescape classic exists. hello???? hell yeah let's party like it's 2003
ah fuck i have tenimyu gekokujo stuck in my brain dow (gekokujo daze, tsuuuubuuuseeee)
What I should be doing: work on cosplay or go to bed. What I'm doing instead: reorganising my fabric shelves.
after uninstalling onedrive i can no longer make playlists in windows media player. cool.
Njord gets annoyed at me for giving her too many forehead smooches but she's the one curled up in my arms, right within smooching distance
onedrive fucking with me yet again. this time it won't allow me to delete files. I AM the administrator mfer knock it off
strem really said fu and isn't letting me reconnect
Can't wait til I get my new external hard drive, my desktop is so full it can barely function.
wishing A Cruel Barbie's Thesis was on Spotify so I could make it my 'anthem' on tinder
i need t get rid of the gd cloud it causes more issues than it's helpful
*find out there are a whole TWO susanoh songs on Spotify *they're region locked. Region locking is a scourge of the internet
thinking of taking my nsfw art off my gen website so i don't have to do twice the amount of work since i upload it to my nsfw site anyway
My cats are being unbearably cute and soft and adorable tonight god damn
photobucket's constant emails getting a lil threatening with their 'do you wanna keep your photos?' soon they'll be knocking at my door