the skeleton inside me is throwing a dance party. any other skeletons wanna join?
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Do u like cereal? 👀
woahh so much rain!!! rain is so cool!!!
happy snake year
"how to center div"
happy santa day
emotional damage
time for art!
was about to eat my chocolate-shaped rubber
when the random internet quizzes give scarily accurate results
present day, present time
believe in yourself!! you can do this!!! 💪
i love making songs
i wanna make a card game... but how? 🤔
how it feels to chew 5gum
there's no more bittersweet day conclusion than figuring out a complicated set of code could be written with an one-liner... *sniff*
reminder: Half-Life 2 is currently free on Steam!!!
can't wait for my cat to grow into a dragon
remember to drink water!!!!! water is the best
2 thousand hundred installers... just for 1 program
hello everybody my name is markiplier