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Wooooooooooah I'm just a little creechur, a certified silly guy.


thecreechur 😭 249 days ago

neopets PLS let me innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

thecreechur 😭 249 days ago

neopets PLS let me innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

thecreechur 🔥 255 days ago

call my joints cheetos bc they're flaming hot (help me)

thecreechur 🥰 265 days ago

still not quite over receiving one (1) little friendly smoochie on the head from my favourite member of my favourite band (i'm gay af)

thecreechur 🤒 276 days ago

can my wisdom tooth not be coming in rn please i beg

thecreechur ✨ 283 days ago

one more sleep until HIM.

thecreechur ❤️ 285 days ago

3 more sleeps until I get to see my most favourite and beloved bassist :3c

thecreechur 🌱 289 days ago

i'm obsessed with playing xanje. help me.

thecreechur 😡 294 days ago

im going to blast deviantart into the sun for not having a gallery select delete option HUMPH I just want to wipe the gallery of my cringe!!

thecreechur 😴 298 days ago

i am so so eepy gotdamn

thecreechur ☀️ 299 days ago

delicious finally some good weather. it's been so wet and cold here recently weh