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The Cozy Cat



The Cozy Cat is both my personal website as well as small web resource project that's constantly in development. My goal is to help bring in folks who are unfamiliar with the small web movement whom may be coming from more mainstream social platforms, and show them the freedom and creativity that comes with building their own creative personal website. Furthermore, I want to develop a system so that even people without any coding knowledge can easily create a really cool personal website. This is much further down the road, but I think making it as beginner friendly as possible will be a key component to helping people detach from surveillance-oriented big tech platforms.

The small web is a movement I've become passionate about over the past year of involvement, and something I want to actively contribute to while I'm here. If you'd like to keep up with my progress, I encourage you to follow my site updates RSS feeds. Don't know what an RSS feed is? Here's an article I wrote that explains it and how you can create one to follow all your favorite feeds/blogs/content creators across the web.

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My Webrings


thecozycat πŸ™‚ 22 days ago

Happy 4th of July to my American neighbors! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

thecozycat πŸ™‚ 24 days ago

I think this is the longest I've ever kept a layout and still been happy with it. πŸ˜‚

thecozycat πŸ™‚ 24 days ago

Have some time off this week! Finally settled into our new place. My site is long overdue for some attention.

thecozycat β˜€οΈ 46 days ago

Finally have internet again! Got caught up on webring applications. Time to start a new chapter.

thecozycat πŸ™ƒ 50 days ago

Moved. Without internet again, will get caught up when we get set up again.

thecozycat πŸ€” 67 days ago

Today I realized that coders are the modern day wizards. πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈβœ¨ Kinda badass if you think about it. πŸ€”

thecozycat πŸ’€ 68 days ago

It's been like a month but I finally tackled webring submissions. Haven't had time to be super active. Life's a bit chaotic at the moment.

thecozycat 🎢 100 days ago

Nothing Else Matters cover by Baltic House Orchestra. Wow! πŸ€©πŸ’“πŸŽ†πŸŽ§

thecozycat 🎢 101 days ago

80's rock is the best of all the generations thus far. Change my mind.

thecozycat πŸ₯³ 105 days ago

Finally have internet again!! Getting caught up on webring and neighbor requests today. :) Thanks for your patience.

thecozycat πŸ™ƒ 111 days ago

Would have been back from hiatus by now, but we are without internet until Friday. It's going to be a long week.

thecozycat πŸ™‚ 123 days ago

On a bit of a hiatus. Will get caught up on emails and webring requests when I get back. :) Happy Easter!

thecozycat ✨ 135 days ago

Webring maintenance day! Fixing some issues with the webring loops.

thecozycat ❀️ 136 days ago

Created a Mental Health Garden in my Cottage's Sacred Space section. Still a work in progress but will be such a great aid in rebalancing.❀

thecozycat πŸ“š 140 days ago

Little Free Library hopping today! Found some really popular reads 😁 so excited to dig into these!

thecozycat 😑 142 days ago

IG and Meta in general are absolute garbage πŸ’€. They're the only mainstream platforms I'm on and I'm THIS close to deleting IG.πŸ’€ Fed up.

thecozycat πŸ™ƒ 143 days ago

Trying to power through the rest of Iron Flame. It's good, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I like it as much as Fourth Wing.

thecozycat 🎢 145 days ago

Finally added my musical compositions to the Garden section of the Cottage. Not really on theme though. Might need to tweak a few things.

thecozycat πŸ‘€ 151 days ago

Moonlight in Garland is one of the cutest games I've played in awhile! Maybe the next Stardew Valley once it's out of early access!

thecozycat ✨ 155 days ago

Tomorrow is my birthday. :) I don't think I want to do anything though. Just stay home and spend time with family. β™₯

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