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thecosmarnaut 🥺 5 days ago

I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT THIS!! planning on getting more updates up soon! (if i have the time)

thecosmarnaut ❤️ 105 days ago

heading home in a week, will be back to updates when i can be

thecosmarnaut 😎 128 days ago

working on this instead of studying for my programming midterm

thecosmarnaut 😎 143 days ago

Update: HTML hates comments lmao

thecosmarnaut 🧋 143 days ago

sipping all these stars like boba tea

thecosmarnaut 💻 143 days ago

current project: making the whole site fit on the screen without the scroll bar on the right regardless of screen resolution

thecosmarnaut 🥺 143 days ago

teaching yourself this stuff from scratch is tough, man. i just want my site to be pretty lmao