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2D artist, hobby programmer, trans indie game dev. enjoys tinkering with niche tech, green tea, and studying japanese


thatoddhaystack 📖 11 days ago

love making planner spreads for video game tasks

thatoddhaystack 🍞 68 days ago

and if I eat a whole loaf of sourdough bread for breakfast

thatoddhaystack 🌱 99 days ago

trying to peel myself off of twitter dot com

thatoddhaystack 😴 285 days ago

it do be taking me an entire week to recover from vacation

thatoddhaystack 😡 318 days ago

no more appliances breaking in my house please and thanks

thatoddhaystack 🥹 319 days ago

umineko episode 2 stage play is so good

thatoddhaystack 🙃 329 days ago

cleaned out my browser bookmarks for the first time in a while... damn i have so much stuff