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testtubesterone 🐶 33 days ago

heatwave n rain beating my ass... at least i have job

testtubesterone 😡 39 days ago

fuck this stupid capitalist HELLHOLE!!!!

testtubesterone 🐶 108 days ago

gotta reorganize & update my graphics collection ;-;

testtubesterone 🌈 145 days ago

a butch and her transfem wife called me beautiful today, life is worth living

testtubesterone 🥳 207 days ago

happy new year!!!!! may you have many puppy dogs and lesbian romances in 2024

testtubesterone 👽 239 days ago

things are going good for once. awesome style

testtubesterone 🥱 242 days ago

busy busy busy!!! finals!!!!! ahghghGHG!!!

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