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meowdy purrdn'r.

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tensorielle ❄️ 30 days ago

it's kinda like elden ring.... you can do anything u want as long as u skill points 5 it b4hand..... but knowing the skills to lvl is hard

tensorielle 😎 57 days ago

meow meow meow :)))))))))))))) (griflfend eehehehe hhhhhhhhhhhh)

tensorielle ✅ 130 days ago

me and my girlfrnre nyheheheahaha

tensorielle 🍔 133 days ago

there is no free lunch*, despite the technologist claim. there is, however, a ham sandwich*. (*thm)

tensorielle 🙂 139 days ago

trust science, but don't trust scientists... quality & trustworthy science needs quality & trustworthy scientists, rare to even get one

tensorielle 🌧️ 150 days ago

down with shower heads! up with gaussian sprays!