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'Sup? Nothing special here. Greetings from Italy, tho!


tech64 🥳 34 days ago

Exams are over!!! I'm free from the shackles of the prison commonly known as "School"!

tech64 😎 64 days ago

updated my blog

tech64 😭 79 days ago

scared for my final year exams

tech64 🙂 82 days ago

updated my site. pretty happy about it.

tech64 🙃 85 days ago

past me: remind future me to update your website

tech64 🤩 87 days ago

tomorrow is some religious holiday so i don't go to school!

tech64 🥱 88 days ago

i hate school it's boring

tech64 🙂 90 days ago

just finished messing around with computers all day, i should really get a better hobby

tech64 🙂 90 days ago

just woke up

tech64 🥱 91 days ago

kinda bored rn, going 2 bed