tam 🎲 3 days ago
redoing website theme huuzah
redoing website theme huuzah
thugging it out i guess
i wanna add new songs for my mp3 player but i dont wanna go through the whole downloading songs manually thing again ugghghhgg
eating salt and vinegar chip with peeled lips is not for the weakHelp
cant you see all of mee walk into my mysteryy
i should finish watching chobits hm
i woke up cold and nauseous what the frick
jelly donuts are scary
art block gahh
get me out of <div> hell
I miss my 3ds :C
watched too many of joel's windows destruction streams,, tempted to set up a vm of my own and fill it with random toolbars and wacky stuff
coding 2 site pages right now. 2 fingers have fallen off so far.