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swoesight 🙂 347 days ago

OKAY great news i have a better beefier computer and i can resume my stuff !!

swoesight 💀 358 days ago

ok so my computer is like indefinitely fucked and i wont be able to work on the site for an undetermined amount of time :p srry guys

swoesight 💀 379 days ago

heeyyy guys sorry i totally forgot i was in the middle of an update. maybe i'll do something idfk

swoesight 🌧️ 416 days ago

gnna try to push a new page or two soon

swoesight 🌈 417 days ago

Today is my birthday!! i turn 15

swoesight 🤖 427 days ago

gonna try to focus on some new pages very very soon!! stay tuned for more shit

swoesight 🌈 451 days ago

hii! everything is going well and i hope to maybe find motivation to work more on the website in the near future

swoesight 😯 473 days ago

Hi! I'm still here Might focus on art a bit gnna try to revamp theme again <3

swoesight 🌙 510 days ago

Living fucking blows!!

swoesight 🎱 535 days ago

Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!!

swoesight 😴 535 days ago

layout 2.0 now live! I'm going to try and stay consistent with updates going out

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