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Just a girl who loves Anime


sunfishdreamworld 🥰 51 days ago

i'm going to finish tgcf season 2 tonight.... i'm so excited.....

sunfishdreamworld 😭 70 days ago

i've been working on my diary page for 3 days straight... when will this nightmare end...

sunfishdreamworld 😴 77 days ago

i should really try fixing my sleep schedule... i was considering starting tonight, but i got distracted and it's now almost 1am...zzzzzz

sunfishdreamworld 🙂 131 days ago

i finally finished my new website! or at least, the foundation for it. exporting it to neocities was ridiculous though >_>

sunfishdreamworld 💔 133 days ago

today would have been her 4th birthday. i miss her a lot

sunfishdreamworld 🎁 135 days ago

happy 1st birthday to my baby bird kewpie *<|:D

sunfishdreamworld 🙂 137 days ago

i have a account now... diligently working on my website... so sleepy...