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i'm a web/rust/VST dev doing design and music, too. look at my linktree for all my socials.


stxarixdust 📚 617 days ago

finals have me messed uuuuuuuuupppppppppppppp

stxarixdust 🎤 629 days ago

i just need to finish the album ↺ i just need to finish the album ↺ i just need to finish the album ↺ i just need to finish the album

stxarixdust 🎶 631 days ago

making a lot of music!!

stxarixdust 😶 632 days ago

organizing + stressing ovr school things :(

stxarixdust 🤖 645 days ago

finally learning abt pitch detection, shifting, and correction, spectral envelopes, and the likes. i have around 30 tabs open rn :o