beyond exhausted... 2 weeks of higher-than-usual activity has left [us] mostly out of commission. on the other hand, reworking the site now.
- Homepage
- Not defined
- About
- it/its manner of speech will vary from casual and regular to disconnected and oddly formal.
putting off working on the site. too much can be improved or optimized... it is on the backburner for now...
breaks are nice. not coding is nice. gonna play video games and do nothing else for a while, it seems.
been getting super sleepy lately tho it makes sense. the horrors of insomnia ... its been better lately but getting 8-9hr of sleep is hard
stream slut game strong by cheap perfume
... that utter [perceived] intrusion of the Self was very unenjoyable. why react so viscerally despite knowing it is illogical? ugh.
pokérogue wave 80... please have mercy... it has been 3000 years...
really itching to play a new game but don't know what to play. devastating.
need to learn to make an RSS-or-similar-language feed. already tried once before, but new languages always cause a headache.
at the end of everything, hold on to everything
nope. no longer considering using SCSS. [our] neurocircuitry still fails to comprehend it. oh well. that is fine.
definitely going to rework the CSS again, it has been decided. it is needlessly messy and all over the place, so many LESS files...
thinking about luxray. many thoughts. this one may become a blog post.
perhaps the CSS should be reorganized/reformatted...? much to think about.
[i] should relisten to the whole DPPt OST and rate all the tracks. day and night editions. that would be nice. celestic town looping in head
cannot stop thinking about "7.8 - Too much water." we as a society will never be free
chat, how does one cure lavender town syndrome?
site updates pending for the next two weeks, potentially. going to suffer medication withdrawals due to pharmacy fuck-ups. very irate.
thoughts so chaotic they are no longer there
shout-out to ice-cold coca-cola for supplying the 1000-needles-stabbing-the-throat sensation. nothing feels better than that.