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strangeklug 🌈 94 days ago

Happy lesbian visibility week~ Working on some art and maybe I'll work on some of my f/f fics... I think a minizine would be fun to make too

strangeklug ☀️ 95 days ago

I just got my first job!

strangeklug 💡 122 days ago

the jetlag from my trip goes crazy I guess I'll just draw until I feel sleepy

strangeklug ✈️ 131 days ago

Finished "the three taps"- really good read. Writing my review/thoughts and getting ready for this trip to be over tbh

strangeklug 🌧️ 141 days ago

Listening to the rain and packing for my trip tomorrow and working on my hobonichi... Also stocking up on ebooks!

strangeklug 🎨 142 days ago

stressed out today, but working on some art stuff now.

strangeklug 🙂 144 days ago

It's nice to have time to update my site again, but there's so many pages I need to fix.

strangeklug 📰 146 days ago

Going to a job fair. A bit nervous!

strangeklug 📺 146 days ago

Just watched the first umineko stageplay with some friends. Really fantastic production.

strangeklug ✏️ 147 days ago

Lost a lot of my old pages in the recent site update. Thankfully I have them backed up, but I need to rewrite most of them in R.

strangeklug 💻 147 days ago

Well it took a RIDICULOUS amount of wrangling, but I finally got deploy-to-neocities to work. I need to fix my file structure.

strangeklug 🌧️ 530 days ago

I'm so exhausted...I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of "formative" experiences just because I fundamentally don't enjoy some things

strangeklug 🎮 533 days ago

Video games haven't really impressed me in so long, but the nintendo direct looked great! Most excited for Pikmin 4 and Fantasy Life 2~

strangeklug 📚 534 days ago

working on some bite-sized book reviews for a new blog post. hopefully it'll be up by next week!

strangeklug 💻 535 days ago

my finally has css! I just kind of mimicked my main site for now.

strangeklug 🥰 535 days ago

whew, been busy! Finally updated my site and even wrote up a new blog post after wrestling with Zoner.

strangeklug 🌙 633 days ago

haven't updated site in a while...soon though. esp. since twt's going down soon.

strangeklug 🌧️ 763 days ago

feeling discouraged and scared. between politics and sudden health problems, idk what to do anymore

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