Happy Assumption Day!

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I'm eating soup.
Please die and go bye, stye in my eye.
JavaScript is out of hand and scares me! But! I figured a thing out! And it worked! And I am pleased! And now JavaScript can be controlled!
The creativity cycle is in full force!
2023! I'm happy to meet you.
I am a natural blonde!
A little bit Martha Stewart, a little bit RZA.
It's one of those days where I spend many hours researching the Bronze Age collapse again...
It's not pink, it's rose!
Vigil for The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception tonight!
Alright, time to detox from Youtube.
Feeling creative today >:)
"You told me "no" and I don't like that." - me on vacation, 2022
"I wish I didn't know you so I could imagine what you're like."
Fat your brain and your body will follow.
2 more weeks until vacation! Me twitchin' eye needs to go bye.
Big declutter today, let's gooooo!
Make October great again.