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heyo! im spooks (or rune), a chill little guy just hanging around. For now my "homepage" is just my spacehey account, but it will eventually be my actual homepage once i get my corner of the web up and running ^^


spooks 🎬 1 day ago

movie with the pookie!?

spooks 😭 7 days ago

where are my measuring tools.. i finally want to crochet and now i cant find them?

spooks 💻 89 days ago

geometry dash has been consuming me.

spooks 💤 195 days ago

eepy sleepy

spooks 👀 232 days ago

tbh creature.......... why u so eyes boy

spooks 💤 235 days ago

homework is so lame :P

spooks 💤 236 days ago

i think ive slept over 12 hours today..

spooks 🌱 239 days ago

time to clean my room :P

spooks 😭 242 days ago

work is coming...

spooks 🙂 243 days ago

work has been killing me!! i love it but god im busy, hoping to do some coding soon.

spooks 💔 256 days ago

hell on earth....

spooks 🍫 260 days ago

still sick but i got cookies :3

spooks 🤒 261 days ago

was sick today.. bleugh

spooks 📚 263 days ago

I want to go to the library...

spooks 💤 266 days ago

i just did sm homework but!! it is finally finished and its chill time.

spooks 💔 267 days ago


spooks 💀 269 days ago

happy halloween everyone ^^

spooks ❄️ 269 days ago

id like to write more. i want to get my website going and start a blog so bad.. but will i keep up with it? who knows

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