medicine free me

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heyo! im spooks (or rune), im just another dork with internet access. For now my "homepage" is just my spacehey account, but it will eventually be my actual homepage once i finally get to making my website presentable.
ILLNESS AGAIN and i hate work </3
no more ill, back to work T_T
work tommorrow... wasted days.
11 hours and exactly 16 daaays
doing homework finally..
kitty craft they could never make me hate you.
i love the rain
oh meow
productive today, too exhausted to html but ill get back to it soon!
homework mishap...... why did they take my classes away i might be fucked linkage if you please
ok i lied the depression is lingering BUT we can make it
depression arc OVER.
skating i will conquer you just you wait
cold weather hold me close
fisch has captivated me
music i love you................
motivation please find me for i am so incredibly lost