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spiedewolf ❤️ 60 days ago

been drawing some little creatures of mine from forever ago. makes me happy :3

spiedewolf ❤️ 70 days ago

i'm really happy with the new changes in design to the site ;A; also, saturday is my birthday! :D

spiedewolf ❤️ 85 days ago

the weather is finally turning around & i can feel it in my bones <3

spiedewolf 🥰 145 days ago

got a new job that provides me with alot more free time. super stoked <3

spiedewolf ✨ 200 days ago

Slowly starting to recover from the Holiday season. Feeling hopeful & getting that creative spark back :3

spiedewolf 😶 225 days ago

can it be january? :')

spiedewolf 🙂 225 days ago

i can't wait for the holiday season to be over :')

spiedewolf 🙃 240 days ago

i've been so tired from work :')

spiedewolf 🙃 259 days ago

heyo! am i doing this right?