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sovie 📺 497 days ago

south park

sovie ✨ 530 days ago

love the feeling when you finish something you've been working on for awhile

sovie 💤 540 days ago


sovie ❄️ 572 days ago

i want a whole snowstorm to just magically come in the night before im supposed to go back to school so i dont have to go back

sovie 💔 683 days ago

school is so boring and annoying and wastes my time so i accidentally ditched my website

sovie 🎱 723 days ago

sometimes i just 8ball yk like i predict the future

sovie 🎶 727 days ago

im addicted to tracker music rn, im so addicted i cant seem to stop messing with samples on milkytracker its so fun tho omg

sovie 💀 744 days ago

i really wanna eat bacon rn

sovie 🍱 749 days ago

im so hungry that i could eat my whole fridge...i want chocolate milk but i chugged the whole gallon last night