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soulbox 🔥 14 hours ago

2AM but god damn. I was waiting to order an old figure, went to check, and somebody grabbed it. Good for them but... dammit. LOL

soulbox 🌧️ 6 days ago

Physical health is affecting me. Sorry for the slowness.

soulbox 🎶 7 days ago

Jesus Christ, how many times am I going to listen to the entire NieR Replicant soundtrack today?

soulbox 🎶 10 days ago

I got the SMTVV soundtrack!

soulbox 🎶 11 days ago

Idk why Code Geass has been a comfort lately but here we are.

soulbox 👀 12 days ago

Really thinking about this figure that I want to buy...

soulbox 💻 13 days ago

Working on my web shrines. It takes me while to figure out a layout.

soulbox ❤️ 15 days ago

SMTV is my latest comfort game.

soulbox 🌧️ 16 days ago

Smells like it's going to rain.

soulbox 🙂 20 days ago

Energy is low but my new web layout is here. There's a lot I'm going to have to do still.

soulbox 🌱 21 days ago

Livestream of "Amazing Asian Wildlife" from BBC Earth. ^3^

soulbox 🐶 22 days ago

Oh damn, Anthrocon is today.

soulbox 🤖 24 days ago

I have an MRI appointment in a couple days. That's going to be an experience.

soulbox 🎮 25 days ago

New Metaphor: ReFantazio video in a couple days. :D

soulbox 💻 25 days ago

Yet another new web layout inbound. Almost done with the index page and the about page.

soulbox ☀️ 26 days ago

A much better day today. At the water park with family.

soulbox 🌧️ 30 days ago

I would love to have my energy back. Waiting for medical tests is hard.

soulbox 🌧️ 39 days ago

There is no greater pain than being at work but wanting to play your favorite video game at home.

soulbox ❤️ 40 days ago

Health issues continue but at least I have SMTV:V. Been playing the hell ou of that game while resting and waiting for doctor appointments.

soulbox ✨ 42 days ago

SMT Vengeance tomorrow!

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