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solita 🥹 8 hours ago

I got into the university I wanted to! Feeling: free

solita ☕️ 11 days ago

Had three espressos to keep me up for football yesterday… feeling: surprisingly calm

solita 🤖 19 days ago

Just coded a bit on my iPad for the first time. Feeling: alright

solita ✈️ 21 days ago

I'm so good at procrastinating packing. Feeling: not ready for anything

solita 🌈 26 days ago

Went and saw some art! Feeling: Lighter, but in a good way

solita 🎨 27 days ago

Desperately need to see some art. Feeling: lost

solita 🌧️ 28 days ago

I'm going to stab this migraine like it's stabbing my head. Feeling: truly all over the place

solita 🙃 33 days ago

I think I was made to run a household. Why am I a single lady living away from all the people I love? Feeling: uptight

solita 🌧️ 52 days ago

Saw a bunch of old primary school classmates for the first time in a long time. Still glad that’s not my usual crowd. Feeling: Fine, I think

solita 💤 66 days ago

gosh, its tough out here huh? Feeling: tired but good

solita ⛵ 75 days ago

Took the ferry to visit my parents this weekend. Happy that the boat is back in sailing shape. Feeling: a bit anxious to be honest

solita 🌱 80 days ago

I am officially the proud plant mom of 9 new plants! Feeling: a bit scatterbrained.

solita ⛵ 81 days ago

The boat made it a whole 400 meter this weekend... motor is not motoring well. Feeling weirdly optimistic?

solita ✨ 88 days ago

I'm too gay for this heterosexual Rom-com life is trying push on me. Feeling: spaced out.

solita 🤖 96 days ago

made my grandmother listen to daft punk in the car on the way home from ikea today. feeling dazed.

solita 💤 102 days ago

Cleaned the balcony today. My hands smell of algae and rubber. Feeling tired and nostalgic

solita 😭 103 days ago

just got done with an all weekend school admission test. feeling meh.