solid_kopawz 🎁 767 days ago
ooh i hear it hurgling
ooh i hear it hurgling
going chtistmas shoping soon... for somebody’s babey
i ate enough turkey to feed twenty men. i think i will be hibernating for the next 10 weeks
we're having thanksgiving tomorrow, my grandma, uncle, and other uncle are coming over.
i went to the doctor and they said i have weak little bones... he need some milk
i went and had a nice time with my friends, we celebrated my birthday early
the harsh wind stole my Cinnabon roll at lunch. maybe the birds will like it.
i'm thinking of making a page to show off funny and interesting screenshots i've taken from roblox.
There's this new Italian place opening up across the street...
its snowy...
the figma figures i ordered arrived a looot earlier than i expected!