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sol 👀 68 days ago

adding a commission info page soon!

sol 📚 77 days ago

gfhdhfg i have to study again :(

sol ☀️ 78 days ago

just accepted that my style falls under coquette/y2k fashion. tiktok is so annoying about those subcultures but who give a care

sol ☀️ 81 days ago

hi guys. sorry i forgot about this website i got a girlfriend . yknow how it is

sol ☀️ 139 days ago

working on art

sol ☀️ 156 days ago

studying again this shit sucks

sol ☀️ 172 days ago

reopening commissions soon

sol ☀️ 178 days ago

fic writing again raaaah

sol ☀️ 180 days ago

going out with a friend today :)

sol ☀️ 181 days ago

writing a new fic, considering making a writing page

sol ☀️ 182 days ago

made it through an 8 hour long car ride!!

sol ☀️ 183 days ago

mad at the sonic fandom. wishing i could post personal fics without fear of cancellation. oh well!

sol ☀️ 184 days ago

talked a bunch about sonic with my little cousin. informing everyone that his favorite characters are 1. shadow, 2. silver and 3. knuckles

sol 💤 184 days ago

tired... i want to go home

sol ☀️ 248 days ago

finally getting my shit together!

sol 🙂 249 days ago


sol 🔥 250 days ago

argentina gay sex sunday (elections today help help help help)

sol 🌈 251 days ago


sol 📚 251 days ago

studying again... life is hell to silly guys like me

sol 📺 251 days ago

deciding between watching the scott pilgrim anime and rewatching cowboy bebop..

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