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tbh i never understood the point of statuses so this may just become a list of cool song lyrics


snuppo ❤️ 28 days ago

Love in my heart... cake in my bones

snuppo 🍺 34 days ago

the post-event social anxiety creeping in

snuppo ☀️ 50 days ago

BEEEEEAAACH *swims and gets scared of the warer* YAYYY!!!

snuppo 🌧️ 65 days ago

bones hurt. want to do things but the bones hurt. :(

snuppo 🎮 78 days ago

this is where my elden ring dlc would go if i weren't too busy (frolicking) (sunshine)(BBQ with old friends) (strengthening bonds)

snuppo ☀️ 81 days ago

grown ass man drinking yazoo in the street

snuppo 🔥 83 days ago

water bottle save my life

snuppo ☕️ 92 days ago

is there a limit for how many times you can safely reheat a cup of tea

snuppo ❤️ 96 days ago

love love love love love lovelove love love love love love (big HEART) <3

snuppo ❤️ 103 days ago

Whats up forum? How sexy do you think I am ona scale of 1-100?

snuppo 🌙 106 days ago

just when we thought he was dead, mike the chicken rears his ugly stump and says ... "wyd?"

snuppo ☀️ 109 days ago

okay? okay? okay? okay? okay? okay? yuh-huh you betcha