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snowbunny 🥰 7 days ago

white-grey outfit is back on Austria day 2. finally some SKIN

snowbunny ❤️ 17 days ago

making food with C while I sit on the counter top

snowbunny 💀 24 days ago

writing essays in Discord replies? hell yeah. writing essays for your own blog? hell no.

snowbunny 🔥 27 days ago

when he got the nice hands

snowbunny 🥺 34 days ago

"granola is not my enemy", I say as I stare in fear at a bag of granola taunting me menacingly on the counter.

snowbunny ❤️ 37 days ago

I love spending a whole day chatting to friends and being productive

snowbunny 🥗 46 days ago

Made it to 1370. Highest since April 25th.

snowbunny 🤐 50 days ago

>tfw the impostor syndrome hits

snowbunny 🙃 56 days ago

writing cringe essays at 3am