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succubus vtuber


sneerful ❄️ 36 days ago

sleep is messed up, but hopeful and tryin to do more

sneerful 🌧️ 40 days ago

super tired, feeling weak - bad habits again

sneerful 🌙 45 days ago

i want to get stronger, acquire more skills, protect myself and others

sneerful 🌙 49 days ago

busy busy but happy, hopeful and nervous also

sneerful 💀 51 days ago

i just got the job offer holy shit im losing my mind i just got off stream i think i should take it holy fuck

sneerful ❄️ 53 days ago

anxious, thinking of power

sneerful 💤 55 days ago

i need to do more, work harder

sneerful 🌙 57 days ago

got a job interview nervous but hopeful

sneerful 🌧️ 58 days ago

lonely in this cave i dug for myself, yet hopeful for my ability to change

sneerful ❄️ 59 days ago

trying to be healthy, trying to be good

sneerful 🎱 60 days ago

i always love people who dont love me. love will be the death of me.

sneerful ❄️ 61 days ago

up and down

sneerful 💤 66 days ago

struggling with sleeping, a little nervous but i feel happy

sneerful 🌙 71 days ago

feelin okay, working and planning so far

sneerful ❄️ 73 days ago

i want to financially support my sisters more, so badly. i will start making more money.

sneerful 💀 80 days ago

semi back on the grind, being more productive but still nervous

sneerful 🤖 84 days ago

trying to get back on the grind

sneerful ❄️ 91 days ago

better, hands hurt, have to keep on trying - get up, again

sneerful 🎱 92 days ago

back to rock bottom. empty, void, lost

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