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she/they. unfurling like a banner or a pair of wings.


smallbird 🤖 256 days ago

you ever have an experience so frustrating you're suddenly energized to do a lot of work to avoid ever having to deal with it again

smallbird 🙃 261 days ago

healthcare dot gov reminding me that i could get a great plan with them and truly. i wish i could get out of this godforsaken insurance

smallbird 💻 262 days ago

i feel like this disaster recovery engineering course would be like 50% shorter if it didn't include so many acronyms

smallbird 🙃 266 days ago

hey kids you ever... depression

smallbird 💤 271 days ago

carly don't go to sleep at 3am challenge

smallbird 🎶 274 days ago

why is all the music for memento mori so good when the game is just so nothing

smallbird 💻 274 days ago

set up my little cat lamp next to my working space and it's making working at least 25% better...

smallbird 🤔 531 days ago

probably I should eat breakfast.

smallbird ✨ 544 days ago

job that fired me on friday can eat shit since i got another opportunity on lock within a day

smallbird 😶 547 days ago

i'm feeling the agonies

smallbird 🤔 547 days ago

I desperately need my bangs trimmed and these days I mostly do them myself, but I have to decide how I want to cut them...

smallbird 💻 548 days ago

i can't believe maia arson crimew is who i want to be when i grow up and it's a decade younger than me

smallbird 💻 548 days ago

i'm in bugfix hell

smallbird 🎲 550 days ago

god actually i missed running roleplaying games

smallbird 😭 550 days ago

ohhhh my god i feel so much better now that i have an answer on something i was waiting for today

smallbird ❄️ 551 days ago

finally some good heckin snow

smallbird 😴 551 days ago

stayed up way too late and woke up way too early but can't say it hasn't been a good time

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