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my cat's name is big frank and he


sleepycapybara πŸ™‚ 216 days ago

why the fuck does my website almost have 200k views like holy shit WHAT IS GOING ON

sleepycapybara πŸ’‘ 221 days ago

New favorite word: "sardonic".

sleepycapybara πŸ’” 223 days ago

i give up *throws writing into the trash* what's the fucking point

sleepycapybara πŸ™‚ 226 days ago

Weird Google search of the week: "can pigs detect seizures" (The answer is 'maybe' but I read about a pig named Bacon that can detect them!)

sleepycapybara πŸ™‚ 230 days ago

"We cry for pie when we are infants. Pie in countless varieties waits upon us through life. Pie kills us finally."

sleepycapybara 😢 234 days ago

want to update some of my website pages but i'm too lazy *shrug*

sleepycapybara πŸ‘€ 242 days ago


sleepycapybara πŸ™‚ 250 days ago

i want to start playing the sims 4 again but i just KNOW i'll start downloading more cc once i do and i'm running out of space on my pc.....

sleepycapybara 😭 255 days ago

just narrowly avoided breaking a toe, yikes, it's swollen and painful but i can move it fine and walk okay plus the pain is going away now F

sleepycapybara πŸ’€ 266 days ago

okay buying and drinking this cherry-vanilla coca cola was a gigantic and disgusting mistake

sleepycapybara πŸ‘€ 271 days ago

making a pokemon training card for my oc like a normal person

sleepycapybara ✏️ 277 days ago

β€œyou know how you always hit things in the produce aisle” is the greatest thing that i will ever write and it’s in a fucking AU text message

sleepycapybara πŸ‘€ 283 days ago

i really want crispy battered fries with some ketchup right now

sleepycapybara πŸ’‘ 300 days ago

Phew, new layout finally up! And I managed to make it Halloween themed!

sleepycapybara πŸ™‚ 302 days ago

okay this new layout that i'm making isn't ... very halloween-like, you know, like i PLANNED TO MAKE IT... oh well

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