Site code refresh underway...

- Homepage
- About
- Not defined
Might refactor/redo my entire site soon. I made it in a way that isn't conducive to how I'd like to use it, so a refresh would do wonders
Thinking about music diver...
Yayyyyy school term over
Too much happening all the time
Just beat Ys 1 on PSP and I fw it heavy...
I participated in my first game jam! The itch page is linked on my music page, so please check it out!
they weren't lying, that school sure does full time
Saw Porter Robinson on the SMILE! :D tour last night and it was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life.
I love writing about games so much
Just quit my job to focus on school
finally added a piclog but I'll definitely need to add something else to balance it out as soon as I can think of something apropriate
I miss gamedev so bad but I just don't have the time or energy to spend on it rn. Maybe soon...
Might not have been the best idea to have started running a site right before going back to school but we ball
Watched Stalker (1979) last night. Considering writing a post about it if I can organize my thoughts coherently enough...
feeling good about site updates pushed today. Hoping I can get back to finishing games soon so I have stuff to write full posts about.
starting school + trying to work up the courage to quit my job + dealing with health issues all at once
Status added to site!
Getting set up