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sibu9 ✏️ 7 days ago

Couldn’t sleep last night… Now I will rant in my journal about how useless I am.

sibu9 🏆 39 days ago

The thing you are doing right now is probably Resistance towards doing what you actually want to do... (The War of Art)

sibu9 ❤️ 41 days ago

Never been that interested in watching olympic opening ceremonies but that hit my heart strings from left field...

sibu9 🔥 47 days ago

Ran too much too suddenly. Burnout.

sibu9 🤔 51 days ago

Started daydreaming of running a marathon. Midlife crisis is hitting me hard...

sibu9 😱 61 days ago

Middled aged with too many interests and stumbling career. What to do and spend time and energy on??

sibu9 🍦 68 days ago

Had too much ice cream again. Getting fat

sibu9 ✏️ 69 days ago

Need to draw. Relentless drawing challenge ongoing...

sibu9 💻 99 days ago

overstimulated brain