just ordered a new stack of CDs on Discogs! It's been ages

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- https://new-stripes.neocities.org/
- sibu7@duck.com
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- Life-long midlife crisis
Replaying handball saves I did today in my head. Getting better!
when you have signed up for a website ages ago, but can't for the life of you remember what it's called and no show in search...
finally started sorta using piclog...
Haven't exercised in two weeks and now my whole body feels wrong. Neck pain and small aches here and there...
Want to be an illustrator but I never draw. How do I solve this hmm…
Been hanging out with young people too much lately, I feel so lame...
the last few years I've learned how to learn
Judging by the Now That's What I call Music compilations it seems to me 1994 was when it started to go downhill
How good is 1993 for music?!?
back at the daily drawing board! Routines are so nice and reassuring sometimes.
The web revival scene feels like such a lonely place sometimes
Couldn’t sleep last night… Now I will rant in my journal about how useless I am.
The thing you are doing right now is probably Resistance towards doing what you actually want to do... (The War of Art)
Never been that interested in watching olympic opening ceremonies but that hit my heart strings from left field...
Ran too much too suddenly. Burnout.
Started daydreaming of running a marathon. Midlife crisis is hitting me hard...
Middled aged with too many interests and stumbling career. What to do and spend time and energy on??
Had too much ice cream again. Getting fat
Need to draw. Relentless drawing challenge ongoing...