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shirako 🌧️ 230 days ago

i've been working a lot, and i move soon

shirako 🌧️ 288 days ago

i simply uttered β€œmy name deez” and then i ended up in the hospital for a week. insanely funny. pdf booklet of hospital art soon πŸ’–

shirako 🌧️ 300 days ago

my name deez

shirako 🌧️ 354 days ago

not good

shirako πŸŒ™ 404 days ago

things have been a little on the fritz lately, but still doing ok. training program ends soon.

shirako 🌱 409 days ago

slowly working on updating site in full and adding/connecting pages. hoping to have it done in a few days...

shirako 🍷 412 days ago

Project submitted for now. Just waiting to the reviewer to get back to me. Next one is due at the start of July, which gives me more time.

shirako πŸ«– 416 days ago

Project due Sunday, working hard. Also still house hunting, have found a couple nice options. We’ll see how that goes.

shirako ✏️ 426 days ago

2nd project done, moving on to the next. This program will be done in July, looking forward to graduating.

shirako πŸ“– 445 days ago

still working as always. back home on the east coast. working on cohort project this week.

shirako ✏️ 452 days ago

still working, still training. same as always. more eventually.

shirako πŸ’» 477 days ago

brief hiatus while i work on trying to get a new job!

shirako ✈️ 485 days ago

Headed off to the West Coast in just a few days!

shirako β˜•οΈ 502 days ago

brunch tomorrow! super excited to munch a fried green tomato.

shirako πŸ“š 508 days ago

Busy busy busy next few weeks ahead. Hoping to get some free time again soon.

shirako 🍣 513 days ago

I have never been so excited for microwave popcorn

shirako 🌧️ 517 days ago

Finally gloomy for more than a day, I love the clouds, more rain please.

shirako 🌱 517 days ago

Calliope moments of our time

shirako πŸ“š 517 days ago

I meant to get more stuff done today, but that just didn’t happen. Aw well, will get a fresh start tomorrow :)

shirako 🌈 518 days ago

sour berry gushers are addictive i can’t stop eating them

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