after about 4 hours of coding, i finally finished adding webamp :D
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come on i just woke up from a nap and now neocities is fucking up
creating my own personal hell by trying to add webamp to my site
auuuuu i hate being sleepy all the time i can't stop falling asleep randomly
happy yaoi day everypony! love wins!
oh it's august now. i hope this triple digit heat will finally go away soon.
finally backing up my files and i love the sounds my hard drive makes, it's like a purring little kitty :3
damn i keep forgetting to backup my files onto my spare hdd. i should actually start doing it bc i always worry about losing my data
aaaaaaa i found a shiny gulpin in pokemon sleep!!!
happy tree friends is coming back let's fucking gooooooo!!!
stayed up all night working on my pokemon page without getting tired or bored. autism is so swag sometimes.
i think my dad might be getting another divorce soon
making a tiny mistake that nobody even noticed and still feeling embarrassed for no reason lol
just slept all day but i didn't use pokemon sleep to track it. sad.
i got 4 hours of sleep let's fucking gooooo
can barely sleep because i'm too busy having gay metal gear thoughts
i beat platinum for the 2nd time ever (after losing to cynthia 2 or 3 times of course)
so it turns out i DID beat pokemon platinum, just on a different save. idk how i missed that. at least i can finish my original save now.
i've had pokemon platinum for 10+ years and just realized i never actually beat the elite four T_T