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sgbx 🙂 142 days ago

in my scene kid era rn except that im making my own site all by my own

sgbx 🙂 144 days ago

okay let me test the html widget out with this really long status. like. really long. i know none of you even know what my site lolz

sgbx 😭 144 days ago

i cant make my statuses to long or it ruins the widget on my site

sgbx ✨ 144 days ago

Open mouth, yeah yeah yeah!!! Eat ice cream, yeah yeah yeah!!! So you can taste the sweetness, so YOU CAN TASTE THE SWEETNESS!!!!!

sgbx 🙂 147 days ago

Working on my new website yippeee!

sgbx 🤔 148 days ago

Questioning my existence

sgbx 😂 526 days ago


sgbx 🙂 538 days ago

i feel like my website needs lot of re-working but idk im interested in other projects so yeahahah wait a while xdd

sgbx 🥰 538 days ago

Hi guys ::3 I haven't updated my site in a while but i shall do it again, i just dont really know what to add ::(

sgbx 😎 545 days ago

I think svelte is really awesome, i'm gonna start experimenting around with it so my main site wont be updated for a while

sgbx 🙂 546 days ago

I really wanna try to learn new stuff but it gets so tiring but I NEED LOTS OF BASE KNOWLEDGE!!! I just wanna get into it right away now!!!

sgbx 🥰 546 days ago

I am feeling VERY KAORU RIGHT NOW!!!! 🌻🌻🌻 ::3