I've been crazy busy! I moved and I've been doing a lot more creative work lately! Hopefully I'll get around to FINALLY updating my site!!
- Homepage
- https://serenefork.neocities.org/
- Not defined
- About
- Not defined
Yay! The things I ordered last week are arriving today and tomorrow, I expected that they would take much longer!
I have such a long to-do list! Moving house is difficult!!
Bought a bunch of apples at the store yesterday! They're Lucy Glos and I love how the inside is red!
I put my soda from Arby's in the fridge last night and the ice in it stayed frozen!
Feeling a lot better and social today! AND my insurance application got approved!!
I am moving in the next month, and with holiday events I am required to attend, itβs been a hassle for me to get everything packed and ready
I haven't been on my computer a lot lately. I've missed it, and I am hoping to do more computer activities soon.
I have been working on so many projects lately! I need to organize my projects a bit better...
I've been really burnt out for a while. I want to keep doing projects but I haven't had the motivation or energy to work on anything. :(
Finally a day off after working so many days in row!
I'm moving in January and decided to start prepping now. I'm very excited the new place is very nice and has a lot more space
Working an extra shift tonight, very sleepy...
Having an evil week but I'm preparing for a bunch of good things coming up in my life soon
FINALLY working on some more shrines!!!
Got a new job last month! I'm working on some new projects. Hopefully shrine and diary updates soon (within 2024... hopefully...)
I need to update my Ty toy collection page!! I've recently gotten more toys!!
Working on an animation for Art Fight! It's difficult but so fun!
It's Art Fight season! I'm drawing a lot!
I've been drawing a lot more lately, I'm very excited