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I like birds.


schiavona 🙂 2 days ago

Listening to Hikaru Utada and writing about Gay Robots like it's 2007

schiavona 🙂 2 days ago

Thinking of moving from Neocities to Nekoweb, but I don't feel like editing all my hyperlinks right now.

schiavona 🤔 4 days ago

Perhaps I shall play The Sims 4 today.

schiavona 🙂 6 days ago

Tomba swag secured.

schiavona 🤔 8 days ago

Hmm, should I work on papercraft today? I kinda want to do something simple.

schiavona 😱 10 days ago

I don't have to do anything right now if I don't want to. I am the master of my own destiny. This terrifies me.

schiavona 😶 12 days ago

It's too early for reality to be a thing. Can we try again later?

schiavona 😡 13 days ago

Went to go run some errands, ended up getting soaked in the rain! Ugh!

schiavona 💔 14 days ago

Once again, I did not end up getting hotpot.

schiavona 🙂 15 days ago

Gonna go get hotpot tonight, I think.

schiavona 🙂 18 days ago

Feeling very grateful for what I have.

schiavona 🙂 20 days ago

Thinking about adding tabs to some of the lists on my site to make things look better. Work is needed.

schiavona 🙂 21 days ago

Update done! time to relax!

schiavona 👀 21 days ago

Finally managed to get that review done, update incoming.

schiavona 👀 29 days ago

Working on a review for Riven (2024). Stay Tuned.

schiavona 💤 32 days ago

Literally so tired after cleaning out my clothes this weekend.

schiavona 😭 34 days ago

Auuuuuugh I wanna fence again!!!

schiavona 🔥 34 days ago

A little late on yelling about this but...METROID PRIME 4 BAYBEE LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!

schiavona 🙂 35 days ago

There isn't much that feels better than a freshly filled fountain pen.

schiavona 💀 37 days ago

Oh no, having trouble finding something substantial to stick on the site again.

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