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scarecrowkid 😡 119 days ago

cleaning up my stylesheet and i broke stuff!!!

scarecrowkid ✈️ 129 days ago

back home from visiting family !

scarecrowkid ❄️ 231 days ago

lots of updates planned, but the holidays are in full force...

scarecrowkid 🔥 357 days ago

summer is busy busy busy !!

scarecrowkid 💻 421 days ago

working on site code overhaul! cleaning everything up before I work on any new pages

scarecrowkid 🥹 423 days ago

sooo happy with my most recent site changes !!

scarecrowkid 😶 437 days ago

went back to blogspot after one (1) week

scarecrowkid 🤔 447 days ago

debating between drawing my backgrounds or keeping the photos...

scarecrowkid 💀 451 days ago

insomniacs after school hits too close to home