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sasha 🙃 9 days ago

i'm so depressed i've only been listening to fucking gangsta rap because if i listened to sappy shit i'll break down and fucking cry

sasha 🙂 9 days ago


sasha 😎 15 days ago

i'm so so glad I sent in that resignation letter... this company is waaay too fucking toxic.

sasha ❤️ 15 days ago

I love... coding!!!

sasha 😶 16 days ago

listening to sloe jack at work!

sasha 🥳 18 days ago

finally handed in my resignation letter today. woo hoo!

sasha 🙃 21 days ago

decided to quit my job. wish me luck yall.

sasha ✨ 26 days ago

watching dark matter on apple tv!

sasha 🥳 29 days ago

cant wait to start coding again!

sasha 🙂 29 days ago

tried to [redacted] myself the other day. fun!

sasha 😡 43 days ago

day 2 of period... bleeding like a motherfucker...

sasha 🙂 44 days ago

my office is so fucking cold what the fuck

sasha 😭 46 days ago

my head fucking hurts.

sasha 😴 50 days ago

Hi!!!!!!! Wow this reminds me of mid 00’s twitter and I’m loving it!!!