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sammie ☕️ 68 days ago

Finally updated!

sammie ☕️ 77 days ago

I'm finally making progress on my site. It's slow progress, but at least it's something.

sammie ☕️ 79 days ago

OK, I'm back! I worked on replacing image links so far and hopefully tomorrow the next major update will be out.

sammie ☕️ 127 days ago

I have very much fallen behind, hopefully I'll work on my site soon

sammie ☕️ 151 days ago

The image links on my site broke so I got to fix them now too...

sammie ☕️ 162 days ago

I've been busy, haven't had time to work on my site. Hopefully I'll work on it again soon

sammie ☕️ 175 days ago

got some more coding done, this is taking longer than I thought it would

sammie ☕️ 175 days ago

things did not go according to plan, but I've had a productive day so I can't complain. Hopefully I'll get more coding done tomorrow

sammie ☕️ 177 days ago

if all goes according to plan, I should have this update finished sometime in the next few days

sammie ☕️ 177 days ago

i actually managed to get some coding done today, just a few more pages to go before I add the updates to my site

sammie ☕️ 182 days ago

soooo, i didn't actually get any coding done today. maybe tomorrow

sammie ☕️ 183 days ago

got my coffee, gonna get some coding done

sammie ✨ 186 days ago

i love seeing other sites, they're all so creative

sammie ☕️ 186 days ago

I seem to have gone backwards and found myself in the planning stage again...

sammie ☕️ 186 days ago

trying to get my neocities site together, taking longer than I thought it would

sammie ☕️ 188 days ago

I need coffee