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samanita 💻 2 days ago

I want to give my About Me page more drip and pizzazz but don't know where to start...

samanita 🎮 3 days ago

Playing Fields of Mistria some more

samanita 🎨 3 days ago

Just finished animating a little gif for my site, probably gonna take a break after I upload it

samanita 🍕 3 days ago

Taking a lunch break

samanita 💻 3 days ago

Attempting to make my About Me Page responsive again

samanita ✈️ 4 days ago

Taking a break from coding bc I'm getting nowhere

samanita 💻 4 days ago

Attempting to make my 'About Page' more accessible

samanita 📖 4 days ago

Guestbook is now useable!!

samanita 📖 4 days ago

Took a day off, back to learning z-index

samanita ✅ 5 days ago

Gotta do the dishes

samanita 🎮 5 days ago

Playing Fields of MISTRIA not mystery I can't believe I spelled it wrong

samanita 🎮 5 days ago

Playing Fields of Mystery

samanita ✈️ 6 days ago

Local amateur program attempts to use z-index, regrets it immediately

samanita ✈️ 6 days ago

Finished updating my About Me page for today, starting work on my Guestbook

samanita 🐱 6 days ago

Tried to trap my cat in my room. Failed :(

samanita 💻 6 days ago

Scrollin on the Tik Toks

samanita 🎮 6 days ago

Playing Fields of Mistria

samanita 💻 6 days ago

Watchin Youtube

samanita 💻 6 days ago

Workin on my 'About Me' Graphics