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i'm sai! i like exploring the web & collecting nostalgic things

mood: The current mood of marimo at


sai 🤐 3 hours ago

why are fandom spaces so hostile bro... i'm just trying to be friends and hold hands

sai 💻 1 day ago

i wish people were more critical about their social media consumption. you are not immune to propaganda (this is about tradwives, mostly.)

sai 📖 1 day ago

i only play to lose

sai 📺 2 days ago

thank god i have physical media.. so many albums i like keep getting taken off of spotify for no reason

sai 🎮 2 days ago

drawing my gay fanart and playing my gay video games :3

sai 💤 3 days ago

i had that same dream again.

sai 💻 4 days ago

repost accounts are weird asf. who needs clout that badly

sai 🎲 5 days ago

we are so fucking cooked

sai ❤️ 5 days ago

there's so much art i want to make! so much music i've yet to hear! so many stories that could captivate my heart!

sai 📖 7 days ago

i should be reading gay fanfic in my bed rn but instead i'm at a 9-5

sai 💻 7 days ago


sai 💻 9 days ago

ngl work is really starting to irritate me. i'm so tired of this project

sai 🎱 10 days ago

in another universe, these walls are not stained with every horrible emotion i have ever felt

sai ❤️ 12 days ago


sai 🌧️ 14 days ago

trying to kill the idea that i'm not good enough but its been so hard this week

sai 🎤 15 days ago

im sorry i cannot go to the after work function i am fighting demons in my head ok

sai ☕️ 20 days ago

shuake is occupying like 90% of my brain

sai 👀 24 days ago

algos finally recognize that all i want to see is persona 5 shuake content

sai 🌙 26 days ago

do we simply stare at what's horrible and forgive it? is it too much to expect? that i would name the stars for you?

sai 🎤 28 days ago

playing persona isnt enough i need it injected into my bloodstream

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