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(Updated June 2023)

I am 15, an INTJ (MBTI personality), and go by he/him pronouns. I like making characters and backstories behind albums I love, coding (HTML, CSS, and willing to learn Python), and sometimes messing around in DAWs.

My SpacHey Profile


s4b3lz ✏️ 756 days ago

At school right now, not learning anything, lol!

s4b3lz 🎁 758 days ago

It's going to be my friend's birthday in half an hour. I hope they like my gift! :]

s4b3lz 👽 758 days ago

I forgot this site existed hee hee hee.

s4b3lz 😎 938 days ago

Just got introduced to this site, and I am very curious about the customization! Can't wait!

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