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Howdy! I'm Rodrick (Rod for short).

I'm a full-time student, artist, web developer, and game developer.

I like making pretty things.


rodfire8181 🌈 203 days ago

Finally getting the motivation and willpower to start working on my projects again!!!!!

rodfire8181 ✨ 346 days ago

Trying to get some personal projects worked on.

rodfire8181 👽 375 days ago

Trying to get back into the mojo of personal site and game projects. Wish me luck, folks.

rodfire8181 🙃 431 days ago

I'm trying to build the motivation and energy to update my sites. I've been neglecting them a bit.

rodfire8181 🙃 492 days ago

I'm a stressed busy bee. There are deadlines upon deadlines upon deadlines upon deadlines upon deadlines upon deadlines upon deadlines upon

rodfire8181 💤 520 days ago

Got a lot to do. Don't got a lot of time to do it. I'm falling behind on things. I'm sleepy and sleep deprived.

rodfire8181 💤 541 days ago

When will I ever learn that my actions have consequences??? I will forever be sleep deprived.

rodfire8181 💤 556 days ago

I'm tired, but am working on class work and getting RefMine ready for release.

rodfire8181 ✨ 556 days ago

There's nothing like writing an essay long emails

rodfire8181 👽 558 days ago

Survived my first week back at college 🎉

rodfire8181 💤 565 days ago

I've just moved into my dorm. Time to begin my 3rd college semester. I'm nervous, but kinda excited.

rodfire8181 💀 603 days ago

Time is passing by so fast. It's all blurring together. I wish I wasn't always tired.

rodfire8181 💤 681 days ago

End of college semester. So many projects due. Running on little sleep and pure stress.

rodfire8181 💀 699 days ago

My back hurtssss. I don't know how to fix it

rodfire8181 💻 716 days ago

With the mix of school and my poor ability to keep a good sleep schedule, I'm hella tired.

rodfire8181 👽 744 days ago

Working on my multiple projects all at once.

rodfire8181 😶 759 days ago

I wish motivation wasn't so hard to come by for me.

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