webmaster's block is coming to me... i wanna update my site but i have no idea what to do!!

- Homepage
- https://rockseize.neocities.org/
- rockseize@proton.me
- About
- Born from Stars, or maybe planet Mars,
shout out to all the loverboys and lovergirls this szn
hey google how can i regrow my angel wings so i can fly away.
i haven't been active in so long but returning to neocities and the like has actually been therapeutic or however you say it...
Okay. So maybe My taste in men is flawed...
Yearning but not really? Shrugs.
I wish I could be more productive. I feel like I'm wasting every second of every day.
I wish I could be more productive. I feel like I'm wasting every second of every day.
Home page update instead of studying for AP US History? YES!!
Rare Gnosis moment where I actually do homework on a Saturday.. well, I didn't *finish* any, but that's still big!!
Stop reminding Me of My ex-friends. I don’t fucking care about them. You’re all annoying.
AP Chemistry, have mercy on My soul.
I want to hang out with people right now, but I also don’t feel like talking.
Is it friends that I want, or fanatics? Is the line between love and obsession so blurred for me that I don’t know??
Can manic pixie dream girls go anywhere in life?
At first, it was a joke, but Nowadays I genuinely feel like I’m younger than I actually am. I don’t feel sixteen at all…
I want to sleep with My friends, the Stars.
I feel sleepy. I think I'll take a nap and then pack My things for school tomorrow..?
Just had Cane's. How tasty.. Now to Write.
I'm so Bored.. I want to hang out with Somebody but also I don't. Shrugs.